Nikki, Arina

Many have complained but they ain’t interested in altering anything.
Not that much happens of interest anyway so irrelevant really.

I got ignored also manager says cams are fine :rofl:

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Well camera 1 ha a “perfect” angle… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

bientot on verra que le derniere de la télé

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Lovely if you like kitchens and walls :laughing:

Manager needs to buy glasses…

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Or they are to lazy to change them :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Cant See Ken Jeong GIF by nounish ⌐◨-◨

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Wish we could have our old Nikki back but she seems to have had a personality transplant :thinking:

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gaby is the bos

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what happened? Someone destroyed the internet. ?? Nikki is now offline

Nothing, they put it offline

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Why ?? I thought someone cut the internet connection or it was because Edrym drank too much

Super _____ :slight_smile:

Too Bad Because it was a Funny Party. I also thought that because Edrym was too _____ to avoid what happened, it was probably best that they bring him home now where he can s___p off

Maybe someone complained to support about what we see in the video above here. But she joined in and smiled, even though she was very _____. Afterwards, she recovered and took part in it herself.

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It can only be that way. Lastly, we had a complete professional here who couldn’t handle what was happening here and said he also had to report it and whatever else

Back online and only Nikki and Poppy there

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Oh dear :rofl::rofl::rofl: