two s___ping angels
I hope Nikki is fine, im happy she has a girl living with her now as she was mostly alone the past year or so. Looking at how she was before I get the feeling she isn’t really happy. Could also be a phase but besides a party once or twice a year the only thing she does is s___p . Again, happy that she has someone with her atleast
All she is doing now is probably getting Arina pissed off and bored stiff
but he will tell you .hes
Knew it would wake you up you old fucker, always ready to oblige pal you know you can count on me
what you on about i was waiting in the lounge for you to work out whats exit and whats entry , knew you would be back
How would i b___dy know which is which, just go for the first available hole and hope it in and not out
yes but if you drop an inch your in the s__t
Luck of the draw pal, always hope it’s on the high side
None are russian nor live or ever have lived in Russia
who live in Batumi, Georgia
Nobody lives in batumi also we are not allowed to discuss where participants live
They spoke openly about this when Arina arrived
Stop discussing where participants live. It is not allowed.
Well where ever it is they still seem to exist on pizza most of the time
Without pizza VHTV won’t exist…