Strange that Nikki is offline right now!?
Safe place for the offline drama
Probably being fucked silly by some guy Offline of course
But she’s a nun…
No ones found her a habit yet though so just pretending
sorry lads i asked nikki to turn cameras off , im camera shy , soon as ive had my way with her and im out the door she will turn them back on . sorry for any inconvenience but i aint having you lot ogle over my peckerwood
Amazed you could get up out the chair let alone the other little pope. Did she punch the pope good for ya?
failed the 1st and 2nd time but nikki is understanding she keeps singing
Go Lazurus_aka_Virgil go.
Oh you tight bastard, i could do with a b___dy good laugh on here, so b___dy gloomy everywhere.
I see two very beautiful lonely women
Sure looking forward to Arina’s new realm
Next year …
What s the new story abt her and Nikki?
Nikk’s camera still has massive charging problems
Or, did you mean, “Go little Lazurus_aka_Virgil go.”?
Insulting members is not generally allowed but Virg has a special dispensation so all ok here
I think Nikki and Arina are cute and I’m curious to see how they live.