Mmmmm looks promising hopefully
One isn’t looking very playful so far.
They played a little bit a moment ago, be patient and I think they will end well.
an apartment without emotions. useless!!!
Someone has seemed to sort out the bedroom cam 8 much better now.
What about the TV cam? Finally turned to the left?
Yes, overall the cam setup now ain’t that bad, i have certainly seen worse. Rather a shame the cams don’t have fuckall to look at
That brief action the other night was most welcome and enjoyable, needs more like that but that old guy needs to piss off though We may have more action in the main room then rather than limited to the bathroom.
I see Nikki is offline with ISP issues, probably looked like there could be action and all the cams fused with shock
Apologies to Jabbath slightly off topic but on the same tangent there are now eleven realms off line for various reasons?
Yep more and more are offline
Alles gelogen mein Freund . Vegas und Jovana reich haben seit über 1 Woche Wartung wer es glaubt … VhT sorry ihr werdet immer lächerlicher die Teilnehmer und Manager scheinen euch an der Nase rum zutanzen