Nikki, Arina

I haven’t watched before, only seen the comments here, but man, this must be the most awful cam setup on the whole site :see_no_evil:

Many of us have been saying that ever since it opened, it really is crap, one cam even only shows half the b___dy bed :laughing:
Bathroom cam only shows half the room.

Yes, cam 1, 4 and 8 can easily be removed. Especially 8. Totally useless

And same like almost all the other apartments from this manager, never a loggia camera. I don’t understand why this is allowed by Vhtv

Because VH doesn’t care. He was asked to change the cam angles and he said no. End of story.

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Ah well blondie has now left with Marina who wasn’t up for anything anyway which is a damn shame.
But she never has been whether in this apartment or the previous one.
Blondie really is a hot girl and up for anything.
Now i can foresee a boring night unless grandad fucks off. :laughing:

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Unless Roza drags Nikki in the bathroom again :laughing:
It really is a crap apartment really as there is no privacy at all except the b___dy bathroom, especially with fanny blocker there. :laughing:

Yes support told me the manager refuses to change the angles and they can’t do anything against it.

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Suppose as long as he gets his cut he couldn’t give a s__t about the viewers obviously.
This manager/VHTV relationship really needs sorting out as the members are being short changed here.
Having said that the action earlier was completely unexpected even ifi was in half a bathroom :laughing:
Nice of you to drop in though pal :hugs:
Having said that there’s nothing stopping Nikki fine tuning some cams surely?

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VHT should have quality standards and the manager who does not meet them or does not want to meet them is left out of the project.

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I don’t know and I couldn’t care less about the places from that manager

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VHTV has no influence on managers at all.

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Something that is not understood in my modest opinion.

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Seems a bit silly really as surely VHTV would want what’s best for it’s members or don’t they give a s__t either?

The truth is that it makes little sense, this situation encourages minimal investment and low quality on the part of managers, which affects VHT’s business and its clients.

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Now both girls are in the bathroom out of sight and discussing whatever?
Can’t hear any screams of pleasure :laughing:

Reading their response to the ticket I did I have to assume they don’t care at all.

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Very very disappointing and very surprised but then as long as they get the subs in eh :unamused:

Can’t be that cold there if they can go out on the balcony. :roll_eyes:

Lol as quiet as kept, he’s the only man that’s been fucking her. Nobody else has been able to do that.

Ahhh is that what you call it, the 2 min man :laughing: