They are on YouTube (Tube, Underground. Geddit? )
You seem to have led a sheltered life
That’s groan worthy Gollom.
I was very surprised to discover that Youtube has an age restricted section. It’s not advertised but there is more adult content on the platform. Maybe not porn, more erotica. and things like tutorials on how to use sex toys. Because some people need instructions on where to put dildos.
I tried to register on the adult part of YouTube using my ID and somehow it was rejected so did not bother again.
I have a Youtube creator account. I’ve never put any content up. Possibilities are now swirling in my mind.
Did you try a couple of chickens, by any chance?
You seem to me knowledgeable but normal for a poet.
Ask David, he knows!
Naughty naughty
Played cards naked – especially with my ass hanging in the air.
And honestly, I do not think I could concentrate in this scene enough to win.
No, I haven’t either. If there’s sex going on and I’m not involved I leave. It’s just too cringe to sit there listening to the moans and wet squishy sounds of other people having sex. I once sat in a room while two couple were making out and felt so awkward and creepy that I got up and left. To be honest, when I arrived with my two female friends I wasn’t expecting them to suck face like crazed catfish. And it turned out they were expecting one of the lads would be making out with me, but it didn’t turn out that way after all, so I had a word with my dignity and we decided to get out while we still could. the place was in a particularly leafy part of town, lots of very interesting Victorian villas, plenty to look at walking home. Especially the Freemason’s lodge which looked like the house from Psycho.