Can never gamble on that. All showers must have a camera in them. What if we had only one bedroom camera, placed inside the bedroom closet, so they’ve been told not to close the closet door when they s___p.
We had exactly that case in the first place of Darcie and Stifler.
Thanks I will go after that…
Hidden showers behind shower doors, you’re k__ling me right now!
You didn’t get the joke
It’s like Goldie and Stephie not pregnant
If I was a good business man I would be selling telescopes to all the tenants of those living in the block across the way.
Well now doesn’t matter anymore more… months have passed and probably they will leave soon
Or better still sell these girls curtains
Is that Amazon delivering that joke?
Delivered by Jabs but flew right over me, even Google could not help
I will miss Goldie
Stop being such a pessimist, they have kept the two cats, looks like a long term thing
That wasn’t a shower more like a jacuzzi
You mean her ass and tits
I meant Ed saying to place a cam in the bedroom cabinet and have to leave door open. They did exactly that with cam facing the bed
Yes. But also miss her as Goldie. She is just cute and funny. I like her.
If you were a good business man you would be renting them that telescope where you have to put coins to see something for a short time
. Dunno if those still exist
You nuts or what, why that would require work to go collect coins, would interfere with my perving on VHTV