Nessia & Ulyana

Can never gamble on that. All showers must have a camera in them. What if we had only one bedroom camera, placed inside the bedroom closet, so they’ve been told not to close the closet door when they s___p.

We had exactly that case in the first place of Darcie and Stifler.

Thanks I will go after that… :wink:

Hidden showers behind shower doors, you’re k__ling me right now! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You didn’t get the joke :rofl:
It’s like Goldie and Stephie not pregnant


If I was a good business man I would be selling telescopes to all the tenants of those living in the block across the way. :grinning:

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Well now doesn’t matter anymore more… months have passed and probably they will leave soon

Or better still sell these girls curtains :rofl:

Is that Amazon delivering that joke?

Delivered by Jabs but flew right over me, even Google could not help

I will miss Goldie :heart_eyes:

Stop being such a pessimist, they have kept the two cats, looks like a long term thing :rofl:

That wasn’t a shower more like a jacuzzi

You mean her ass and tits :rofl:

I meant Ed saying to place a cam in the bedroom cabinet and have to leave door open. They did exactly that with cam facing the bed :joy:

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Yes. But also miss her as Goldie. She is just cute and funny. I like her.

If you were a good business man you would be renting them that telescope where you have to put coins to see something for a short time :sunglasses: :rofl: :rofl:. Dunno if those still exist :rofl:

You nuts or what, why that would require work to go collect coins, would interfere with my perving on VHTV :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Just notice this bottle is empty and nobody is _____. :wink: