That’s funny to see considering that was the cave man that entered in the bedroom with Almira s___ping and went to simulate sex with his sex teens puppets while laughing a lot.
Rather looks like a monkey without the fur
imagine le bourrée
He must be ordering the puppet that as he is the tenant he have to kick her out because the poor boy can’t deal with it anymore or as he is suffering a lot he will be doing a crazy thing
Look in his eyes… Scary as fuck… Did he already hit her?
He stamped on her foot, but you couldn’t see it, but it looked like it.
@Studio90 congratz for being the main responsible for this behavior
You must be very proud of your decisions that allows this savage still being on cams apartment after apartment, at your realms attacking Almira… To make it even “better” lets all remember it was her birthday, and how sad it was
Wondering what will be the excuse… lack of education?? totally surprised?? she said that his feet smell bad?
c’est un malade ce type !
Unreal how calm she is.
Unfortunately she is used to it…
What is it with the men tonight, they seem to have all gone fucking mad!