Is that a dinosaur? Lepipodgazom?
This white tshirt guy was at crystall apartment… so that means they all are related to Almira & Vasya…… Will they visit also here in future…
It’s Lord… he was tenant in past and circulate always around Macy Ssens places
So it’s like they open multiple apartment… like Mira&Henry , Kostja&Indira so they can visit here in future may be…for party just a thought…
No… They are connected but that level of gang sex organization only Mira & Henry have
That girl lives in de house at Macy Ssens, she was shy in the shower, won’t to be seen naked I hope she changed
lol probably not hell she didn’t do a lot of stuff over there she kept her clothes on just like now but we can only dream right lol
And who is the other girl??
I hope this isn’t going to become a regular thing having the window blocking the camera. It’s since been fixed but don’t you know guests will make use of this for when they want to shower.
there is Swastika/Nazi flag on laptop background (Camera 5) !!! WTF!!
Yes like old girl with the braids in her hair she blocked the cameras all the time when they were at the other apartment
The swastika is the symbol of National Socialism and the holiest symbol of Hinduism. Another name for the swastika is swastika. The swastika is a cross with four equal arms, with a crosspiece on all four arms. It has been a symbol of good luck and protection for thousands of years.
I hope they mean this!!
I hope too
Unfortunately ever since the Nazis stole the symbol for their own horrible movement, I dont think anyone using a swatiska is using it for its historic symbolism. Pretty disturbing.
Seems there is a lack of creativity to advertise boring shows