
So what is the reason to not save this apartment?

a r__e incident?

There hasnā€™t been one here to my understanding,

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This place is run by same manager who let prick Vasya back in realm91 after he beat up Almira. And the attitude Crystall was treated here and all the parties are simply just not to my liking. So I personally did the decision to not support that place.

And what about Nekohey has he been in them places before.

I do not know as I do not follow the other place from that manager after the thing with Almira happened anymore.

So its a attitude you have toward manager and that one feet locked up fingering moment.

I already explained it. This topic is no point of discussion for me

No no i am not agruing with you about the reason.

but i just thought that the moderator supposed to like just do their jobs .

i didnt know that you can let your emotions like involed in this too.

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Itā€™s clear everyone is waiting there time here nothing will ever get saved from this apartment.

I will say one think if an apartment opened with a girl or someone that Jabbath likes the manager or other issues he had with the other apartment in the past wonā€™t bother him and he will save stuff regardless. Nekohey or others who appear shouldnā€™t be punished just based on the manger because of stuff that has happened in the past.

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if we are going to talk about nekohey behaviors .

i dont think it is that bad you know hes just being mischievous.

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i am here for gay stuffs but you know what he wouldnt save it anyway not just this apartment .lol

i need gay mod.

Thatā€™s Stanley.

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i mean nekohey will definitely have a gay action anytime soon and it wont be saved .

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Yes i know.

That is not fair at all. How many hot girls were in realm56 and I still did not save it? We have Stanley to save gay actions because other operators simply do not watch it.

This is way off topic but I will way in on this with my thoughts as I think this all against gay content is wrong, from my point of view is that I donā€™t care what orientation people are and will save the content when I have time, this will include straight lesbian gay transgendered. But what people have to appreciate is that we all have our preferenceā€™s and tend to go to them in the first instance.

Now @stanley is probably the operator that saves more gay content and I can only assume that is because he is on the look out to try and give a balance to the materials being saved, this being said I myself have saved gay or mixed content when I have seen it in the requests but I for the most part donā€™t normally visit these places and I can only presume that other operators are the same.

Now as for @jabbath1987 or any other operator, we all have a right to choose what apartment or participant we like to support and not support, but in the grand scheme of things it is also fair to mention that if some operators choose not to support a participant or apartment then their are others who may choose to do so.

what about people who support the apartment ?

do they have to agree with Mr. Jab decision?

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Being an operator is time consuming. I donā€™t want to spend hours of my time every day looking at lesbian moments that donā€™t interest me so that they can be saved. I imagine the same is true that other operators donā€™t want to spend big chunks of their day looking through gay moments.

The problem here is not with the current operators, the problem is that there is only one operator interested/focused on gay or male only moments, and that is me. I canā€™t cover all apartments alone so lots get missed. I have asked @VHTV_James countless times for help over the last 8 months, but no help has been given. Until it is, everyone is just going to have to accept that not everything is going to get saved.

So we need more moment operators nowā€¦:sweat_smile: as there are different type of people and their choicesā€¦. I hope vhtv will add moreā€¦