🚚 Nekohey (Long relocation)

Me too)0)):see_no_evil:


I know the previous few posts relate to your interactions with a young woman but may I ask if we will see the young man we call Vadim (obviously you know him differently) again? When you and he are together, you create some beautiful moments that some of us really enjoy! :heart:


Rollie has got me hooked on this realm, I gotta see how this progresses :sweat_smile:

What a stunner :star_struck:

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People are probably sick of hearing of how glad I am that Rollie is visiting but one thing I will always miss is the camera placement she had next to her bed, one of my favourite positions.

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It feels like a monkeys paw situation that I get to see Rollie again but this is the view

Either way I am happy that Neko and Rollie seem to be progressing well :smiling_face:

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:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

EDIT: I know Nekohey is a very social person but in this situation, this phone call he receives here… I don’t think I would pick up if I were him. He has been facetiming for 20 minutes now while Rollie sits in the wardrobe :pensive:. But I guess I don’t know the context and the phone call could be important :man_shrugging:

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What happen with Rollie and Rockie, did they break up.

It would appear so, if they did it happened in the 5 weeks or so that she was gone and a lot can happen in a month

As a woman, I would have gone, forever! Unforgivable behavior :rage:

Well patience is a virtue and they are comfortably in each other’s arms now. It’s not that I think she should be upset, it’s more that I didn’t want Neko to throw away a golden opportunity but of course he knows her better than I and he knew she would wait. I hope he knows what a gem of a girl he has.

Nekohey snacking. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Man, Rollie is the best :star_struck:. I’m so happy to see her back and even though the cameras are so far away, if the alternative is to not see Rollie at all, then I will take what i can get haha :smiling_face:

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Sassy with a new hairdo and “old saggy tits” :upside_down_face:

Rollie with her hair up :star_struck: :heart_eyes: :star_struck:

Gotta love when you don’t need to clean up after yourself :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I hope the new couple have a great Valentines :smiling_face:

Who are new couple? :thinking: :flushed:

Well Neko and Rollie are pretty new in the grand scheme of things, and I guess they might not even be an official couple but either way I hope the two of them have good time haha