Naughtiest girls of the day (Discussion)

So far for today I nominate Lucile. But let’s wait for the parties in the evening :stuck_out_tongue:

I added the list of winners in first post :stuck_out_tongue:

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Great idea - how about adding a photo of them from that day, so we’ll know what they did to deserve the honor, the way you have photos of participants in the Participants Wiki. If it’s not too much trouble. :thinking:

Well I thought about that too. I have to test if that will fuck up the list or not. :wink:

Well I think I have a solution how to do it. When I add photos to first post continuously it will be slow loading and that is not good. So I will do a hidden topic for the winners list which can only be accessed through a link in post 1. So we have a discussion here and a clean topic with the list of winners :+1:


That sounds great!! This way we can get some idea what we missed if we didn’t see that particular nominee/winner that day. :sunglasses:

Already working on it :wink:

Samira showed up in realm44 She usually fucks everybody around so we have to watch her :wink:

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Thanks, I love girls who fuck everybody! :sunglasses:


All done now. Link is in first post :wink:

Wo sieht man eigentlich immer die Nummern von den Realms?

The topics are tagged with the realm numbers, you can see them in the Wiki and they will also be displayed in your browser address bar :wink:

I just checked it out, well done - although I would have used a screenshot of the DP for Camille - that’s what made her so special :blush:


I opted for the Double BJ as she was barely visible during the DP. Head in pillow and the two guys behind her :rofl::rofl:

Gotcha! Good call! :blush:


I was just looking in at Shana’s realm and checking out the posts on the Shana forum - think maybe we should give some sort of Honorable Mention to Wendy? She’s been servicing a lot of cocks other than Koen’s lately, at Shana’s, at Jirina’s, at M&H and at her own place. Sometimes more than one in a single night. Maybe you could put together a collection of screenshots of every cock she’s had in her over the past week… :heart_eyes:

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Well that would be a different category. But maybe later. For today I am still not sure who to nominate?

100 percent agree :+1:

So for today I will nominate Lucile. Any other opinions?

Today I nominate, :postal_horn: Well it would be hard NOT to Wendy . Wendy at; Marica&Wendy&Koen A true rockstar !

Can ya’ll top this Lady today ?