It’s a niche interest … (sniff)
Thank you for the second reply. I have only just seen this one because for some odd reason, I had the notifications for this particular topic page, turned off! Silly me!
He is still up for bonking so can’t be that bad.
Yes thankfully, he seems a lot better today from what I have seen. It was horrible seeing him like he was, yesterday.
Such a cute little kitty she is too.
Hey, everyone!!
When do we see them swap?
If you mean partners, I don’t think you will find them swapping. Tristan and Siora don’t tend to do that sort of thing and Artem who may or may not actually have a proper girlfriend at the moment, certainly doesn’t.
Artem has had his wicked way with Siora admittedly not recently.
well you are easy pleased then
Yes that is true he has…but that was before she and Tristan were a proper couple. They were just ‘dabbling’ back then.
She’s such a nice nurse
Unfortunately Artem experiences quite disturbed s___p sometimes. I have seen things apparently troubling him during s___ping attempts, occasionally.
He seemed to fall as___p today shortly before 8 AM (his time), in the living room and then decided it might be more comfortable in his own room. It could be a form of insomnia that causes him to begin s___ping at what we would consider rather odd times.
But still 10 hours come on he’s a young kid.
Well he is his early 20’s.
As for the s___ping, different people have different needs, don’t they?
I’m 48 i need just 6 hours of s___p every night…
They have no pattern in there lifes.
Artem has the fidgets most of the time, rarely sits still more than a couple of minutes. a bundle of nervous energy. quite often see him hopping from foot to foot. very active mind. keeps going until he burns out. probably shouldn’t watch crazy anime just before bed though. that stuff is enough to give anyone disturbed s___p.
That not really true. I saw him play video games all night.
Isn’t that Davids point we all need different I’m younger then you and couldn’t survive on 6 hours s___p per night
All the +7 apartments have strange s___ping patterns anyway because I would imagine most people subscribing are in mainland Europe so to get views they have to be up into the early hours their time
Sometimes they also have stuff they have to do in their daily life as well so it will mess with the body clock