

“Cause I’m free, freeballin” as Tom Petty probably never sang.
they look like Laurel and Hardy in this shot, like young versions of them. Put a moustache on Artem and it’d work. Though I doubt L&H ever freeballed.

Just checked the archive, kudos to whoever named the guy who looks like Artem’s brother Rotem lol

Is this Shower girl back

That was me. I’m glad I’m not the only one who was sure he is Artem’s brother.

is she having a snack or going to get a full course meal? either way, hope they wipe down/clorox the table before serving guest againimage

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Artem looking as gorgeous as ever.


God I just want to tongue that hole so bad
How I Roll GIF by Foreskin Revolution

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She got a new tattoo? She is cute and hot :fire::heart_eyes:

Yes she is cute and hot, but I for one am not a tattoo fan. Give me that beautiful natural skin…

A little group masturbation in the kitchen, nice to see the 3 of them involved in something again =)


More later on


She’s been slowly adding to it over the last couple of weeks, this is the third time she’s had a bandage on her arm

Great socks… :socks:


Guess we now know where Tristan disappears too

The perfect disguise

he was dancing in the suit earlier. I got a flashback to Jerar doing the same, although his spidersuit was much nicer and form fitting. Still, nice to know the spiderverse is safe.

The new girl “looks like” Demi of Ashton and Demi Apartment…

I thought it might be Lexi