Nari, Gek, Annet

Offline - personal reasons
Last time I checked, everyone was as___p…

Karolina and Adam I think.


I am pessimistic about the future of this realm.

At the begining, the members was Archi, Nari, Gek,…
Archi is away (Hope not definitely).
Annet is too much alone.
Nari spends most nights outside (sometimes as guest).

Brief, this realm has exploded.

Maybe Karolina & Adam will move in :rofl: :rofl:

On UTC+7 all possibilities are possible

:arrow_forward:Pasha & Arina will relocate to Nari - Gek - Annet

:arrow_forward:Artem will relocate to Pasha & Arina

:arrow_forward: Karolina & Adam will go to Artem

They seemed to have unwanted guests just before going offline. An older couple arrived and were going around getting them all out of bed. The guy was trying to remove the blanket that Tristan was s___ping under.

No idea who they were but they had let themselves in the apartment.

I did see a lot of people in Annet’s bed. They seemed to be fighting with a pillow. I didn’t pay much attention because in UTC+7, people men play a lot together (Musical chairs, whip,…). There was also a girl in bed who didn’t seem to be Nari, but I couldn’t see her very well.

I didn’t keep watching this scene that seemed without interest.

This morning I saw Pasha & Arina’ apartment especially the kitchen orderly.
Without the clothes on the laundry disposer, I should think they will moved.

Also, you could replace “UTC+7” by “Musical Chairs” :upside_down_face:

" * Nari, Gek, Annet (realm73) is offline for relocation"

I hope Nari will come back but neither alone nor with Gek or Annet

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Well the musical chairs go again there :rofl::rofl:

The question is:

Who will be the next “offline for relocation”, to leave its place to Nari,…

Maybe Karolina & Adam will be back :rofl::rofl::rofl:

But maybe Karolina and Adam are waiting for a new realm

As realms are allowed to be empty for 48 hours before taken offline they can live in multiple realms at once :stuck_out_tongue::joy::joy:

I propose VHTV rent a complete hotel floor and they group all “Musical chairs” participants.
With this way they may change every hours if they want