Moving posts to the Gossip aka the s__t-hole topic!

This convo still going on :joy::joy::joy:

You can also use this link. Just change the number to see other trust levels.

My subscription expires in a few days. I shall consider re-joining when it is clear that the troll has gone. His poison spoils things and creates discord.

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As I understood he got banned again. :wink:

Amy was banned again?? :cry:

I guess so. :wink:

I miss her already. :weary: :sob:

Hello My name is Amy.


Amy Adams :two_hearts:

Ah if only it were, instead of some fat bloke in his 40’s in their mums basement :rofl:

Thanks Jabs. I may reconsider.

22 posts were merged into an existing topic: Gossip and off topic posts aka the :poop:-hole

9 posts were merged into an existing topic: Gossip and off topic posts aka the :poop:-hole

Groundhog day. Amy is back as Kyla-La. @jabbath1987 do you know whether he will be banned (again) or must I consider my options again? Grateful for advice please.

will always be here and covered by vhtv …

we have to keep it unfortunately …

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You’re safe squish. Being that you have some rank and status on the ladder of acceptance you’ll be fine to do as you please. I’ll be in read only mode going forward. Yesterday’s experience clarified what I know to be true about how this forum actually operates. It’s like this because vhtv needs its workers working for them and in exchange for that they are granted the power to control the expression of other posters based their closeness to its leader Jabbath1987. This forum is his club and his worldview is the only one that really matters here. Things will only ever be allowed to go so far based on this. If VHTV grows up and gets objective, neutral moderators I may come back, but as long as it’s controlled by this crop of moderators it’s hopeless for me. It will always be only what Jabbath and his friends allow it to be, which is rather stale and one-sided and sad. It always comes back to the same thing. His friends, the worthy tenants are protected and everyone else is subject to getting put down. Same goes for his loyal followers in the forum. They get to say whatever they want, even insult the tenants and managers, and the further away you get from him the less privilege one has. If I stay I’ll just get treated like s__t, which will only piss me off and down the hole I go again. It’s too bad that they are allowed to control the direction of the forum and other people like this, but they do. It’s not going to change and I’ll be the one that gets hurt. I can’t do this to myself anymore. Goodbye till then! :heart::heart::heart:

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What’s the problem pal? Do you need to be told how to behave?
Don’t understand what you mean by options?
You are either on the forum or you ain’t. Surely you don’t need guidance, and guidance on what?
From a confused member :+1:

se non ti piace quello che vedi puoi sempre cambiare sito nessuno ti obbliga di stare qui guarda esiste (camarads,reallifecam,…