Who’s this Em you’re talking about, never heard of her in my life.
Lazy participant girl. She left the project in 2018 already
Excuse me, that should read"hot as hell lazy participant girl’.Have I ever told you she’s my fav.
Lol you fooled me here buddy
She was hot as hell but one of the most lazy people the project ever saw.
Of course Supercharged Sid didn’t help but Bob tried his best.
Whole lotta grindin goin on
Yep, same old same old but just different people however it’s good for a laugh now and then listening to people getting upset and angry over a porn site.I’m easily amused.
Well reading most of the inane comments am never sure if people are angry, upset,jealous or just plain confused
There’s a new topic called just ‘Montana’ where these posts might be viewed by more people. Just a thought.
Montana 2 - The Return of the Fucking-Table
They seem to have an attraction to tables, only an assumption but could have something to do with the view from cam 4 possiby
They could move the table a little closer if they so wished, i wouldn’t object