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said it b4, gorgeous pussy

too bad, on cam7 eva blocks the view :frowning:

ah, now its better


Great picture torey :pray::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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And the Golden Raspberry goes to

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привет Монтана, это снова я с вопросом. Какой толщины нужно раскатать тесто, прежде чем поступит начинка (начинка гуще сгущенки и сахарной пудры), а затем сложить? Привет от Dickerchen HN

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@Montana did I see that correctly? diced pork, liver, onions, curry powder, and pasta? The recipe could almost be mine, I also like to make it here when I want something quick

Do you add any special spices or herbs that I should try here?

Check if everything is still there?


Trust is good, control is better!


hi, this is fast food. There chicken fillet, chicken liver and pepper :blush:

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ah ok, the meat looked like pork, i was a bit unsure about the liver. first thought it was chicken (so I wasn’t entirely wrong). thanks for the answer!

hello, you need to roll out the dough into small circles, put the filling in the center of the circles and make a bun :blush:

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@Montana will Pasha & Arina come to visit you??

This is what I like.

Love the lesbian sex.

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