It’s OK, buddy, no one knows everything. I don’t hold it against you. “Tied” has more than one meaning. Not just physically tied to something, but just associated with, such as:
"restrict or limit (someone) to a particular situation, occupation, or place. she didn’t want to be like her m____r, tied to a feckless man"
“1 : to fasten, attach, or close by means of a tie. 2 : to form a knot or bow in. 3 : to bring together firmly : unite They are tied by marriage. 4 : to hold back from freedom of action, Obligations tied her down. 5 : to make or have an equal score with in a contest.”
I’m glad to see Montana & Eva have Guests there. Roza & Edrym + Siora SweetHeart are there. So is gabby mouth tall guy. I hear the word “Pooka” in all of his speeches. I know why he is there, to get to Pooka Siora’s butt. He knows she’s capable (not very comfortable, because hasn’t gotten properly dilated yet. She needs two and a half fingers in to be comfortable) and sometimes volunteers willingly. If he wasn’t there, they’d already be doing something.