
It’s OK, buddy, no one knows everything. I don’t hold it against you. “Tied” has more than one meaning. Not just physically tied to something, but just associated with, such as:

"restrict or limit (someone) to a particular situation, occupation, or place.
she didn’t want to be like her m____r, tied to a feckless man"


“1 : to fasten, attach, or close by means of a tie. 2 : to form a knot or bow in. 3 : to bring together firmly : unite They are tied by marriage. 4 : to hold back from freedom of action, Obligations tied her down. 5 : to make or have an equal score with in a contest.”

She won’t be the first and definitely not the last😂B*****d😂

Fuck me ,the human google translater is on fine form this morning :rofl:
Morning pal :+1:

Thanks for that pal, I wouldn’t have expected anything less but the tokens tangled up in the fucking machine have still busted it😂

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I think Montana has taken the crown off Kira as cook of the month🍴

Montana is a good little cook actually.

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So the machine is doing shibari now. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:




Hot evening, Prima is chilling by the open window :joy: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Naughty girl. Flaunting her bits to the outside :rofl: :rofl: :heart_eyes_cat:

I guess it’s fitting with an exhibisionist on a site for voyeurs :rofl: :rofl:

I never know if you’re serious or just trying to wind me up.
:laughing: :laughing:

It’s just the way I play the game pal, my long suffering family get it as well​:joy:but trust me it will never be nasty or malicious.:joy::joy:

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They all go the same way in the end unfortunately.


Who will he fuck off cam today?? :thinking: :sweat_smile:

@John78 @ToreyK

There`s your answer :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I’m glad to see Montana & Eva have Guests there. Roza & Edrym + Siora SweetHeart are there. So is gabby mouth tall guy. I hear the word “Pooka” in all of his speeches. I know why he is there, to get to Pooka Siora’s butt. He knows she’s capable (not very comfortable, because hasn’t gotten properly dilated yet. She needs two and a half fingers in to be comfortable) and sometimes volunteers willingly. If he wasn’t there, they’d already be doing something.