
eva :heart_eyes:


Noooooo, thats Montana.

I guess we’d like to think that Prima was reaching for the stars :star_struck: Bur probably it was something a little more mundane, like a buzzing fly or a ray of light flickering through the curtains. :slightly_smiling_face: Come to think of it, could it be that she is about to slap Eva’s arse? :laughing:

This is Montana, she always cooks delicious things and Eva eats it with her. If it tastes as good as it looks, I’d eat it too.

i would happily eat Montana ( and Eva) if there wasn’t enough dinner left over

Montana, Eva and the food, eat it all.

guests in the house

does anyone know the name of this app?


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Tongue Goat GIF

Hello, does anyone know what they are baking (cooking) and may have the recipe? Montana and Eva have made it many times and it always looks so delicious. I would like to try it too. There are different fillings.

Looks like Pirosjki a sort of dim sum.


Did I see Aldon visiting Montana apartment? Welcome back Aldon…

@David i no you like Aldon he is visiting Montana :+1:

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Oh wow, I haven’t seen him in ages. I don’t think any of us have.