

Self explanatory really :laughing:

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You may like to check out Funny’s & Jokes. Grab a little of that cheer for yourself.


What twat is flagging perfectly good posted pictures for god sake?
Whoever it is needs to fuck off and go and read their nursery rhyme books,

people jealous for what I post it’s unfortunate there will always be people like that who do their tricks on the sly like criticism it spoils the fun

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It should tell you in the automated message you receive, what was the reason of the flagging, then you can change them posts accordingly

no sorry there is no explanation

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Good idea.

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Anybody know where these two are camming? Can’t find them on Chaturbate, and there are too many other sites to wade through…



Alternatively, you can find her here :wink:

VHTV needs to rethink this whole flagging s__t. I post less now since members are less open minded, they are quick to criticize what you say and are quick to use the man-facepalm emoji.

It is very difficult to deal with obsessive behaviour i’m afraid.

All the posts contained just pictures :roll_eyes:

Yes, i know, the guy is spamming the s__te out of the forum topics with meaningless pics, but, it’s not the only one and seems quite weird that it’s just him being flagged

Sorry but I found that funny

That we can agree on