Montana & Eva

At least they had a nice big kitchentable for sex-fun this realm :laughing:

Yes… the FREE cam table

I honestly have no idea why they would want to leave their apartment. There are many reasons why they would have or want to leave their apartment.

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I mean it is defiantly ugly haha. What I mean is it at least looks clean. Some of the places are moldy or like Edrym & Roza’s place have dirty gross walls.

Maybe it’s haunted. :laughing: :laughing:

Speaking about moldy…

This is by far most the dirtyest bathroom on the entire site.
Ok, it was more moldy in the past, the black spots are gone by now, but still dirty.
The solution is quit simple: plastic or trespa cladding against the walls above the bathtub.
No high costs, and verry effective. Easy to clean also.

That room looks to me as it never was intended to be a bathroom. No tiles at all. But the whole place there is basically the cheapest s__thole they could possibly find :see_no_evil:

Wondering if Elza was here as one of the many houses she lived :joy:

So Montana & Eva left the project and they forgot to close the apt?

Spooky, the apartment where nobody stays for long. Could it be haunted, as has been suggested? After all, seems it refuses to shut its cameras down, :thinking:.

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I wonder if they have kept it online as new people are due to move in very soon and then the names will change once they arrive.

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Jokes aside, that is probably the most reasonable explanation so far :smile: However, how long new participants will stay, is a story for another day :laughing:

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They were back for 10 minutes. Last things are removed today.

I wonder that nobody here write anything about the epic orgies and sex parties going on here for days? :thinking:

@VHTV_James should take notice for the next free content update. It has never been hotter and more sexy on the site :fire::fire::fire::star_struck:

Oh no it’s offline now. Did somebody finally read the forums or looked at the own website? :stuck_out_tongue::innocent:

Wondering how many views that empty apartment had for 5 days with viewers opening (or being automatically open) to see if was anybody there…
Manager now can open 3-4 apartments in same style

Well I won’t watch them anyways…

Its online again, some new people coming into it?

Bono from U2 :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:again lol

Let’s hope it’s not lesbians again.