Milana & Robien

I hope that you are talking about loggia door, not the window :slight_smile: They live not at the first floor.

claire danes GIF
Romio Romio where art thy Romio !

looks like she is tring to fart

Milana where are you…there’s no excitement tonight…I’d love to watch you

They have been absent for two days already. Where are they?

Both home now, and a welcome home fuck, with a little anal for good measure.



Shes won’t walk normally for a week. they should have prepared better for anal sex.

Too bad still two s__tty cams in use here :man_facepalming:

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Seems they have a guest visiting them

I must be unlucky because out of every five times I look at this apartment three are s___ping. :angry:


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he is a joke all he does is s___p

Watching them fuck in a live cumshaw - one of my favorite couples, she’s very beautiful, and it’s really cool to be able to watch that cumshaw and still be able to see it from different angles with the VHTV cameras.

They are partial to a little anal sex.

I thought that’s what they were doing! :dizzy_face:

I think there’s some more butt-fucking going on, but it’s hard to see from the angles of the cameras and the way they are coupled. Would love to see that up close.

They just changed positions and that’s exactly what they’re doing!

Wow wow this girl knows what makes her man happy… i love her :heart:

Judging from the positions they’re using, they seem to be playing this just as much, if not more, to the VHTV audience as they are to the cumshaw audience. :grinning: