Mikl & Shana

Unless there are a zillion other people at that party, who might want to joyn in, and that would end up in another gangbang if not orgy, which is the last thing some people want here,

at least if Indira is involved.

Nice to see the two of you still can have a laugh together. Whatever comes next, all my best wishes for Shana and Mikl :hugs:


I think those gang bangs were her last, since she and kostja are barely comfortable with 2 others

Best wishes to you

Believe it or not,

the night, when Indira ended up crying in the bathroom, when she had Kostja tear her cloth down with his teath,

it looked to me, as if Indira was about to instigate a gang-bang, and later backed out, because Kostja lost his faith in the activity.

Maybe when they get back from their vacation, they set different standards.

One for the amusement of Indira, to get a finished sex-session,

Two money- and “suggestion”-wise for the money.

A gang-bang can still happen with both in the room, so they both can see what the other does, and interfere if necessary.

I think it’s only Kostja, who can’t handle this, although he did, in the gang-bang at S&T with Felix and Elisha on 02022022, when Mikl asked to fuck Indira, and Kostja granted it. At parts they both (Indira and Kostja) interacted ate the same time, what made it different.

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I’ve always thought if you put the right people in a room with them, meaning people the two of them trust, anything was possible. No Palmer, Morris or Bruno, but younger people, they have to know others outside of Henry’s group, because i don’t see them feeling comfortable with them

Hello fwen I wish you would talk to me some day. :hugs:

I mentioned more than once, it’s not about age, but personal sympathy.

Age is one of the lst factors to count. imo.

Palmer and Morris just give out creepy vibes when they’re around. If Palmer grabbed indira in the kitchen the way he does marica, kostja would knock him out

What makes you say that Marica was Mikl’s perfect match ?
May be you see something in that relationship which I am missing.
I never saw Marica and Mikl as much as a couple as H &M. K &I, or even T & S - all these are clearly couples. When Shana got involved with Mikl, rather than becoming just a fuck buddy to Mikl, she became a girl-friend, precisely because of the weak bond between Mikl and Marica

When he,s coming to his parents , he is going to sing : i kissed i guy and i liked it? :wink: :innocent:

So what’s happening to this apartment

I know exactly what you are talking about. I found it almost disturbing to see Indira give that loving look at whoever she was in the moment. We are used to seeing that special look in Indira’s eyes for Kostjia.
But that same loving looking was given multiple times to Mikl whenever they were making out or had sex even during a gang-bang. The same loving look went out to Tejo. Before these two, Troy was the beneficiary of that look which says “I love you and only you”. That look went out to each of the guys that took part in the gang-bang at H &M

I saw her as a better match than indira, who never looked at him.as anything but a friend and fuck buddy, and I laughed when someone says indira liked him and should have been with him, when in fact she met kostja before they had even met

I think she acted like she thought she had to, so she played along, until she fell in love with kostja

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I do not think that Indira ever saw Mikl as more than a friend a fuck buddy. I do find that she trusted Mikl far too much as a friend. On a number of occasions, when Mikl and her were alone, she would spill to Mikl all that hurt her. In every situation it was about the difficulty of her relationship with Mikl. She did not turn to Mikl to become her new love interest but to advise her on how to deal with Kostjia. I would have expected Indira to become close friend with one of of the women and turn toward them for advice. In my opinion, Mikl is the wrong person to ask for advice.

Exactly @Mitchel18299

I also think indira sometimes made out and acted all happy with mikl, because Henry was around, so keep the big boss happy

I think that there is more to it than keeping the boss happy. Look at the orgy at M&M on the couch, it lasted for ever. Indira looked totally in love during this session with Mikl and with Tejo who was laying next to her. That was while Kostjia was running around like a chicken with its head cut-off. I found this image of Indira disturbing. I saw the same loving look on Indira’s face on a several other occasions. I am absolutely convinced that those who find Indira interesting in this group is precisely because of this ability to give herself body and soul to whoever she is engaged in sex at the moment. When Jiria fucks any of the guys as she does almost on a daily basis, one never sees total love in her face for the guy she is having sex with. The same is true of all the other women. Indira, in that sense she is different.