Unmistakably Artem!
Wayne, currently visiting Queen’s apartment…
It’s very nice but who does it belong to?
Sorry …Myagi on top … think Aldon is on bottom…
Thank you. It’s useful having that kind of information, whenever possible.
I know but I am a novice here. I could edit it I guess if I can figure it out…I wanted to add the name to the post but could not figure it out…
If you see a pencil icon next to the other icons under your post, just click it and that will take you back to the writing panel. Just edit the post from there, whenever you need to.
I think I did it!!!
Yes you did. I see his name on the post now.
Whose bottom are we looking at here?
That is Edrym.
Yes I discovered that, after looking on HIS page at similar pictures of recent events, involving the equally cute guest guy Gabi.
I was sure it s not necessary to add his name lol
Please try to from now on. Not only to help me but others who may not know who they are looking at. After all, it’s only bottoms we see on this page!
@Tavares105244 Why laugh? That was a serious request. It’s helpful to include names and locations whenever possible, wouldn’t you agree?
This sign doesnt exist in quick response.Just lill smile to agree
Yes, it seems odd (to me anyway) that certain emojis don’t exist in the quick response choices. Personally, I would like to see them ALL there but that’s another completely separate conversation we don’t need to have here.