
if you watched the guy wss clearly surprised by the bedroom cams and bathroom cam

These places are just regular apartments to guests. not all know anything
about cameras. and guests are not required to do anything!

im just happy the guy didnt reject her and she got some great sex

Yeah,he has visited several times.

Is there any point in this underwear? :grinning: It would be possible to do without it

The hookah crew gathered, the two guest girls are very beautiful, but the end is like disappointment.

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No your not understanding @ToreyK have you ever had sex while a camera was filming you??

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With all the camera wires hanging out in the places which Stifler sets up, the guests must be really “camera blind” if they are not aware of them :slightly_smiling_face:

Unless things changed, all guests in the past had to be informed of the cameras or the participant would get a fine

Underwear… the point of this underwear is to divide the body into kissable portions.

Kitchen camera is removed.

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Kick them two out of the apartment.

Who you mean?

The guests the girl smacked him across the face it looked like things might turn violent They have now left.

Well so Stifler has to come and fix it again…

Was an accident: (2)

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Been taking lessons from Will Smith :rofl: :rofl:

It’s a girl doing it so nobody is going to care. But I’m glad at least one person here takes it seriously.

I don’t know what the row or whatever it was about but it looked like things were going to turn nasty but someone thankfully walked into the room stopping them from going further they left a minute or two after that.