Yep, the guy with glasses
sure he block the action but he don’t want her girlfriend go further she have to invit her without him
lol, i like that Eiffel Tower… it’s moving all over the place each time… became a sport for me to track it down each time and checking who moved it…
its very old its date from the first time we saw barbie and k in a place 2 year i thnk
very lucky to have this girl if she is her girlfriend
Oh okay sounds like a deragotary word for it to me. How can he even know she has that?
oh oh, now has this aspie has to track it down in the archives…
i don’t know and i think he meant the guy in the black with the gllasses…
i think you can see barbie play with the eiffel tower in archives
Can’t understand why barbie didn’t take it with her to her new job, it would be a huge tokens success
oh yes she is on chaturbate now too bad they don’t open a place with her and her friend karen
yep asperg glasses no i joke i don’t know stiffler arrive isp issuess
again problem like always in this place
ye^p i told you
The very second things get hot and heavy and bam, Buffering.
So, guess it’s stifler fault
This nunnery was not used to so many people viewing at the same time I guess
isp issues the boss is coming stif on the place if he is her when the cam c back don’t tell me its coincidence