Megan & Garry

Sorry Jabs, but you questioned her role in the apartment. You also questioned the privacy in the apartment. Even further, you questioned her type of relationship with Megan&Gary.

And the cherry from the cake, you are not surprised if she already leaves

All of this after only 24 hours without fucking several guys or opening her legs wide for the cams…

Can you name something which is not negative in your comment ?

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I don’t see anything negative. But anyways I made my point. Have fun splitting hairs :wink: I am out of this discussion


Chica A en pareja con Chico. Chica B, aún tímida, no parece tener mucha relación con chico pero sí con Chica A. Chica A y su novio tienen sexo en cama chirriante y respaldo m____to, cosa que no sabemos si la chica B tendrá, dada la ¿poca? privacidad del departamento.
En resumen, habrá que ver y esperar que la Chica B “justifique” su aparición en el nombre del realm.


I kind of agree with Jabs that the apartment isn’t ideal, however, as with most houseshares the situation becomes one of compromise, common sense, and communication. Nothing is an obstacle so great it cannot be overcome with bribes.
Sean Flanagan Money GIF by Foil Arms and Hog


awhh come on i just got this meme especially for you please let me post it :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
download (1)
DONT HATE ME :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Oh I don’t mind criticism at all. It’s just that John misinterpreted what I wrote. But that’s really my last word on that now. :wink:

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Me neither, John must really like this one as the solid defense has already started


200w (3)

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lets just hope that Lucy hasn’t done an Angelique because it will be a sad day for vhtv viewers


Your description of what it seems to be the situation in the apartment is quite accurate.

What is totally wrong, is your last line, not a single one of the participants in this project, need to “justify” in any way their presence here. They accepted to expose their lives thru the cams. That is all they “need” to do

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Now you are really splitting hairs…


Angelique was a guest and Lucy a participant. Big difference


okay guys grab one and begin pillowfight.gif
download (2)


Fue cuestión de semántica; a ver, utilicé la palabra “justificar” no peyorativamente. Era una forma de referirme a que por “algo” fue añadida a un realm que ya lleva el nombre de una pareja, lo cual representa una dinámica interesante. ¿Se entendió lo que quise decir?
PD: Odio que no aparezca la traducción de lo que digo

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No, i am not splitting hairs at all. I know that it might be totally against your idea of what the participants “should” do, but that’s the simple reality. They only need to accept the cams in their apartment and nothing else.

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You are defending a place nobody even attacked :rofl::rofl:


in the meantime whilst all this is going on


No Jabs, i am not defending the place itself but the principle.

They don’t need to prove or do anything.

This is what i am “defending” if you want to call it that way


Well I never questioned that principle.