As it happens, I do need a Specsaver’s appointment as my prescription is overdue, but that’s beside the point. I’ll also point out that I make them come to me, I never go to Specsaver’s.
No es difícil de ver que Megan es la que más rápido ha entrado en el circuito del juego; es la que primero comenzó a coquetear con las cámaras, exponiendo su desnudez parcial o total. Es quien sonríe en el momento preciso, se viste provocativamente y posa delante de los espejos, duerme como Dios la trajo al mundo y juega (en el buen sentido) con el hecho de que sabe que estamos detrás de la pantalla esperando sus movimientos, los de su pareja (un tipo muy agradable a la vista ) y una amiga que ha sabido levantar suspiros apenas se mudó y se ha visto poco y nada.
Tiempo al tiempo…espero que no se canse de ser la única de este trío que da material para observar.
They should rename the place to Megan & Garry, sometimes Lucy
Quite obvious by now Lucys name only got added to make the place look more interesting by having three names instead of the typical couple place. You should change the name to Megan & Garry @kaya
Still, by doing those “tactics” (or call it what you want) if the realm lasts more than 2 months, being generous, it seems like a miracle to me.
Yeah they have nothing special to offer so far which keeps me watching. JMO of course.
They ran out of ideas fast… One place for my do not watch list…
Are you trying to say that there’s other realms that constantly have fresh ideas for content to watch? It can’t be on this site