faut dire aussi que dans le pays ou ils sont aller il n’y a pas grand monde qui est sur VHTV, et pas tout le monde qui veut être devant la camera. Je sais que dans le même fuseau horaire les seul que je voie avec la même heure sont sur RLC
They are in a very beautiful country, full of beautiful places and culture. Also, the standard of living is much, much higher than in the previous one (or the one where most of the other places are). It’s pretty normal that the people will not want to be exposed on cams (who will normally want ?), will be the exact same in any other western ( or economically developed country), that’s not a surprise.
tu a l’air a savoir ou il se trouve ? Moi je me doute ou ils sont et j’espère les revoir. et oui tu a raison sur toute la ligne
je croit que bien du monde vont s’ennuyer d’eux
I think that their mental health and wellbeing is a lot more important than us
tu as bien raison. J’aime mieux qu’ils prennent soin d’eux. Mais je peut dire que j’ai eu le coup de foudre pour ce couple qui s’aime d’un véritable amour
have they left the project
I have no idea, they are just offline at the moment. We were only discussing their situation after moving to a different country and not having their friends around
nous ne le savons pas encore mais se serait pas surprenant vue que leurs santé etait plus bonne ayant pas beaucoup d’amis(es)
Oh my, there I was making this video as a reflection about today’s especially glum mood, and now this, as I come back the realm has already gone offline.
I sure hope their days will brighten up again soon. On a more selfish note I also hope they’ll stay with us, as I don’t want to loose yet one more favorite, though I have my doubts about that. It might be helpful to stop living under a microscope. I wish them all the best.
Is this tactless, now? Well, it doesn’t make the days any gloomier than it already is.
p.s. I didn’t know they’ve changed countries. Well, at least that alleviates one of my fears, that Magni’s short hair meant he might have been drafted.
That definitely can not be the case ( How to be drafted in a different country ? )
Not sure such a big change of mood by them both over the course of just a day is explained by the change in country. Can’t help thinking something more fundamental has happened though hoping I am wrong!
I don’t know, it can be, off course. I only stressed out that their situation is definitely not helping much ( changing country, no friends around and sitting under a microscope on cams most of the time)
Yes, get that but such a huge mood change over just a day - can’t help feeling it’s more while wanting to be completely wrong!
It’s not just one day, it’s been like this for a week or more
Ah, Ok. I thought they had been at least like their normal selves up to Valentines Day but I didn’t pay close attention. The longer the period of the mood the more chance it is loneliness - but it did look bad especially bearing in mind they are normally cheerful and chatty. Time will have to tell - as always!
tu as bien raison surtout depuis qu’ils ont de la visite
oui et surtout qu’hier avant que Marianthi ne sorte ils se parlait bas et serieusement la est peut etre venue la décision ou qu’il y a autre chose coté de relation sexuel et aventure avec d’autre. Peut etre que Magni ou Marianthi veulent essayer des choses. Ont dirait que Marianthi s’ennuis aussi de sa bande d’amis de l’autre pays
une chose est sur, si jamais Marianthi ou Magni voie tous les commentaires que vous laissez ils vont se sentir apprécier. Je vous remercie de partager tout cette amour envers ce couple magnifique