yes, i’m studying
What are you studying? (If you don’t mind sharing of course :))
Hot for sure, unless its super hot here already…then a nice cold shower to finish off is ideal - heat is needed to open the pores to make sure you clean them thoroughly first
i’m studying design now
how long takes it ?
That is cool, with what end career in goal? tattoo artist or something else?
the top goal is to run a business of course
through any career i could do well
Wishing the best of luck to you, your designs are already really cool, do you have an online portfolio where you upload your work somewhere? I’m sure a few of us would like to see more
tu a bien raison un beau corps naturelle
mieux qu’hier moins de nausée et toi comment vas tu
i feel better today, thanks!
Haha we both had the same thought
Marianthi ne mets surtout pas de tatoo sur un corps sublime comme le tiens