je pense que Marianthi refléchi de son avenir avec Magni surtout a ce qu’elle a dit plutot
Was Chan the lucky one?
probablement oui il est bon en lavage de cerveau
i don’t think she need to do anything like this… she is loyal to her partner that why they are perfect together
The introduction of the playstation in this apartment was the worst thing to happen.
Why? They have a lot of fun playing together
i’d like to do something more active but i feel unhealthy
but you can watch how bad i am in fights in games haha
Get well soon
Vape is so unhealthy and gives you cough even smoking is better which Magni has recently started.
Hopefully u feel better
They used to also have a lot of fun banging all over the place haha
Hope you get well sonn sunshine.
Get well soon @Marianthi . I really enjoy watching you play PlayStation with your friends as a group. I even downloaded the game after seeing it from you.
While vaping is still dangerous, it is MUCH LESS dangerous than smoking tobacco, and hookahs are WAY MORE dangerous than smoking.
Yennefer, Witcher 3
Hello you two, I’m currently playing The witcher3 and I think it’s one of the best games I’ve ever played. Only TES 5 Skyrim is a little better. Have fun gaming