Maks & Lastochka, Liya Anomalia

Some camera angles in this apartment need adjustment


Nearly all of them. And they need to do something against the bathroom door always blocking the view. I did a ticket two days ago. So far nothing happened…

Yes, I also noticed this situation, I am also unaware of the space without cameras in the bathroom, in the living room, bedroom, the images also need to be improved

More closer than this,no exist due to the time of day, the image from this camera could also be better


This is what I sent them:

Voyeur House TV 🔥 – # FREE Source for hidden real life cams This cam needs to be turning to the right a lot. We do not need to see the wall:

Voyeur House TV 🔥 – # FREE Source for hidden real life cams This cam is just mounted way too low and gets blocked very easily as you can see here:

It needs to be moved above the TV:

This camera needs to be turned to the left as we do not need to see the window sill:

Voyeur House TV 🔥 – # FREE Source for hidden real life cams Another wall cam. Needs massively turning to the right:

This camera got hit and is pointing too high Voyeur House TV 🔥 – # FREE Source for hidden real life cams
Also the timestamp needs to be corrected on that one
Right position:
(They fixed that one)

The bathroom cam is placed very badly as it always gets blocked by the open door Voyeur House TV 🔥 – # FREE Source for hidden real life cams It needs to be repositioned ASAP

I suggest to move it in that niche there:

Voyeur House TV 🔥 – # FREE Source for hidden real life cams One more cam pointing too high. You can see how tall people are and the cam should be tilted down to see what is going on down below:

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It gets hit all the time. Wonder when they learn it is a bad idea mounting a cam there? :thinking:

Good analysis and intrepretation of the spaces, and placement of angles, I haven’t analyzed it in depth, I haven’t had time, but looking at these suggestions, I wouldn’t do better, I agree, but in the bathroom, there are techniques like the black square, for apartments, which don’t do the same as some, this situation could also be used, but according to what has been exposed here, 100 percent agreement, I hope they solve the situation

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Some can say what they want, but nothing better than the beautiful world of light



Wonder when they will realize sticking tape on tape will only add weight but won’t help at all :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Nothing will stick there until they clean that wall…

@Handsdown this will help your heart :rofl::rofl:

Check out this from earlier completely blocking the view. This camera definitely need to be moved somewhere else away from the door it’s too easily going to block the view and an excuse for the participants also just to put the door like that. @kaya @MilkaFox a solution need to be made for this.

Saori is cute, but Nazira rings on all my bells.

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I made a suggestion for this camera already to support two days ago. You can see it here:

If they do not want to move it they can replace that door with a curtain or so. I will report from now on everytime it gets blocked. Maybe that will get managers asses up. Same thing with cam3.

I will also send now a ticket they are using that door as an excuse and the towel now makes it even worse.

Your certainly not wrong there my friend :pray:

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This place reminds of the old days of Voyeur-Villa. A lot of action but the tech setup is atrocious…

It’s got potential to be very good realm if cam’s get sorted out it’s becoming one of my favourites currently