Left the project.
Too bad.
Schade, sehr schade, dass Ihr das Projekt verlƤsst. Es war einfach wohltuend Euch zuzusehen, wie lieb Ihr miteinander umgegangen seid. Ich wĆ¼nsch Euch fĆ¼r die Zukunft alles Gute, vor allen Dingen bleibt gesund und Euch weiterhin so zugetan
Best of luck to both of them and I hope they stay safe and happy. Thanks for sharing your life with us for the time you were with us. Sad to see them go
Thanks guys @Lynda_Blade All the best and thanks for the shared moments
That sucks Lynda was so beautifulš¤©
I wish @Lynda_Blade nothing but the best
Its sad this site get every month bigger and bigger downgrade almost every big and good participiants leave Jakar,Lynda,jenyadaday but the rest what still are here starting become a boring like Flora,Cinderella,Toriana,
Best wishes @Lynda_Blade
Sorry to see them go. Their threesome was really quite exciting. Thereafter it fell flat sadly.
@Lynda_Blade I am sorry you are gone you were a beautiful coupleā¦I wish you all the best in lifeā¦
Very well said and I 100% agree with everything.