OK, but I don’t follow nor would I ever follow your social media so you may have answered it over there but she didn’t answer and no phone for way. Have I been disrespectful to you you criticize everybody on here so you should except the same criticism when it’s giving back to you nor have I insulted you either, so you can miss me with that, sir
I also praise various residents and guests, such as what I said here about Lynda in the shower, and I would add, she is a good resident, Blade is also a good resident, but you only read what you are interested in reading, that is, my criticisms, that is why you persecute me on the forums to silence criticism, because you are intolerant of criticism, we already know why, every day you make comments, which make no sense to me, but I never said anything, yes you insulted me, if it were me doing that, I would be flagged and blocked (Sir)
Hello carlos,
Please let us see the insult, we will take care of it.
With all due respect, just read, but I’ll help with the issue (disgusting)
You are complaining about “disgusting” behavior?
For at least the last 18 months you have consistently been negative, highly critical and could possibly be seen as harassing the participants and their guests, you are often hostile to members of this forum who have a different opinion to you or to those who ask you for explanations about out of context words you use like “amphibious”
They only read what is interesting to read, once again, praise doesn’t matter, you also write things that make no sense to me, and I never said anything, if there are harassers, they are some moderators who persecute those who have different opinions or criticize
You know very well that if I used that word "disgusting” it would be flagged, if not I’ll use it next time and see what happens
You might want to remember that not everyone can access your “social networks” (yes seriously, some people can’t)… I suspect you won’t though.