Something tale me that Blade is Russian hacker:scream: him have some weird program on PC.Iam so scare right now

He is not Russian.
That’s so funny; the idea that somebody would put themselves on camera, hacking, broadcasting it to hundreds of people. Crazy mad. “I’m bringin’ down the system, here’s my cock! And here’s my girl eatin’ my ass. WOOHOO!!!”
That’s called operating in plain sight. So not as to stand out (except his manhood) from the crowd.
Let’s hope he doesn’t get any in his manhood…not sure he’d like that!
Typo - sTand
Yes, I realised that. I was just messing about!
I make plenty of typos myself. Not easy to spot them all and I usually do only spot mine, quite a while after I have sent the message. Sometimes literally weeks or even months later!
Lynda is the most sexy and dirty girl her best Realm here she doing everything in bed with blade she is the Queen
My hobby is software development, and thank God I’m not from Russia.
Oh sorry i mean thats you speak russian my bad also sorry i mean you are a hacker its look alike almost same like programing
It’s okay, I understand that it can be confusing since we are communicating in Slavic languages. Unfortunately, I still don’t know English well, but I will soon start working with a tutor, and maybe in a year, I’ll switch to it.
I just wouldn’t want to be associated with a country that invades foreign territories.