Liliana & Anderson

True, beautiful woman.


At this rate, they’ll run out of participants
 Oh well, as Queen once said, another one bites the dust

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This sucks, in a bad way, because she sucked in the very best way.

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Well now it’s saying isp issue

Ballet, my last

I don’t see how they haven’t. I also don’t see how there could be so many different apartments especially nice big ones that all of these participants are constantly able to move to

Really bad news. I do hope we see Liliana again. A big loss to VH imho.


@kaya Greetings. Just wondered whether you were able to shed any light on why L&P left the project?

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No specific reason. They just wanted to move on

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Hup weeral Ă©Ă©n die het project verlaat
Wie zal de volgende zijn ?

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Maybe u?? :face_with_monocle:


Post deleted.

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What I would give to see Liliana back again. Heres’s hoping.


I do think it would make VH a more interesting place to visit were she to return.

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