Lexi & Pablo, Elliot & Tessa

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Who the hell is that???

Which one? No idea who the guy is but I’m guess he’s Boyfriend of the short haired girl who visits as she’s the one showing ass where the other two including Tessa are dressed

You seem to be more worried about it then she is. She seem just fine!

another pees in the shower


Nice pic, she looks amazing

Joking aside, there must be a little concern over any unexpected absence given that VH tenants always have at the back of their minds a fear of exposure and/or entanglements with the authorities. Yekaterinburg was only a year ago.

Pretty sure participants have families to visit and friends to stay with. they can’t remain captive in apartments permanently. In the UK we don’t go looking for anybody until they’ve been absent without contact for 24 hours. The chicks in the apartment don’t seem concerned, so we should probably not fret over a brief absence.

I’m not fretting at all this morning I was surprised he didn’t come back, now I’m just intrigued, I’ve written above in the thread why I thought it was strange but I guess we will never know

I’m not worried about it at all, I really don’t give a s__t - I’m just making comments. I’m paying money to watch all this “real life” drama. These people on the other side of the world are nothing more to me than a source of amusement. When my subscription runs out, they’ll be in the past.

Tessa’s kitty was checking out the entertainment center and trying to figure out the best way to attack the TV - now he’s settling in on the floor and watching the door for Elliot. :grinning:

he came in at 5 am and woke up tessa

dudes _____ pushing her limits

She’s obviously not having any of his bulls__t!!! Good for her!!!

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dude took her phone

And I think she took it back - he’s wolfing down food with his head weaving like he’s stone _____. And she’s still not having any of his s__t. Willing to bet she’s gone tomorrow, or sometime soon.


I think some folks who have been here longer made comments way up in the thread that he is an asshole who eventually treats his women with disrespect until they decide not to put up with it any more and leave, and that seems to be the case right now.

hes a ass when hes _____ lol