I sent a ticket but they are not informed either let one of the participants tell us why they are late and how much it will take
They might never return
i dont really like elliot himself but imagine all of his group leave the project at the same time that would be a huge loss and sad
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they would not tell us that they left the project
vhtv would tell us
I have an update. They found a place and are installing equipment
Who Eric??
Elliot,.but i am sure Eric will visit
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A place for all of them?
I believe Dilara hasn’t found a place yet.
This is the only information I got. Do not shoot the messenger
I was thinking maybe a place for all them
Dillara could be the tease while Lexi and Tessa put in the work
And Fedya will be center of attraction
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Not if Susy has anything to do with it!
Lmao the cat?
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Louis would fall in love
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