Lexi & Pablo, Elliot & Tessa

You said it yourself the symptoms show thry are on ecstasy thats your precious evidence

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I didnā€™t say that ā€¦ there must be a problem with the Italian English translation ā€¦

Who cares as long as the cams are s__t? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

certain sentences translated from Italian to English seem like something else ā€¦

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Itā€™s surely not about the cams that i pass to watch them a lot less

And as I was saying the only one Iā€™ve seen taking d__gs is Ben, Iā€™ve not seen anyone take it here but itā€™s obvious they are. Thatā€™s all Iā€™m saying in the matter I donā€™t really like tennis.

Thatā€™s the first reason to me. Manager not giving a s__t about the bad cams I wonā€™t give a s__t watching itā€¦
So all the rest there I donā€™t followā€¦

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Seems the problem isnā€™t on manager sideā€¦ as the tech platform is the one responsible to make it online according to what they define their standards. Itā€™s VH that donā€™t give a s__t about cams

All the pro members are chatting hereā€¦ Oh now I see :face_with_monocle:

Both. The manager should also see the problem and work on it ā€¦

all night and until an hour or so ago. Andre, courts of law seldom find people guilty with ā€œproofā€ as you call it. Most people are found guilty based on circumstantial evidence. Here that evidence is just as described by Handsdown, James Dean and Stoertebeker. By way of example, Lexi took d__gs, probably pills, shortly before the asshole jumped. He had his hands on her tits and in her panties before Pablo got back from a smoke. Her eyes were rolling and she had no sense of what was happening. Clearly, she was on d__gs.


I bet without all the experts in here these people would all be laying down in the f___l position wondering what the hell happendedā€¦haha It was a party. creepy at times. but entertaning for all. Leave the details to Dr phil, Judge Judy and howdy doodyā€¦ Everyone lived!!! Til the next time!!! Cheers!!! :grin:

All i have to say is with d__gs or not And with the absolute nothing of sexy moments they managed to talk for them for the last 2 days and the realm to be one of the top 5 for over 24 hours. Whats the most important thing for them money and they earned them with nothing


There are some many posts apologies for not wanting to read all of them. Why do we care if they ate ecstasy exactly?

Clearly we have gone from paying to watch them have sex on cam to now feeling we have the right dictate and judge any behavior we deem bad, this is the problem with adding a forum to a cam site like this. People want a feeling of control over others when they canā€™t get it in their own lives. Jerry Springer anyone? :rofl:

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Tessa gives a really bad BJ she might be pretty but the sex side is crap. Lexi is far better imo.


She should start follow Ashley in terms of blowjobā€¦:fire::sweat_smile:

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No one is trying to impose their will on any tenants they are just trying to point out the signs and dangers of taking bad substances.
Pehaps you would rather wait for another death before you would approve of something being done.
After all itā€™s only human lives at risk, why worry eh :man_facepalming:
You may think it funny but many donā€™t.

Must be the name. The other Lexy could also wake the dead with hers :rofl: :heart: