It will never be resolved until he leaves. Krosh may believe she can’t find anyone better than him, but if that’s true, she couldn’t be more wrong. With her beauty, her personality and her body, the world is her oyster. JMHO.
@Carlos sie will es doch nicht anders, von ihm runtergemacht zu werden, aber sie braucht anscheinend seinen dicken schwanz. bei ihm habe ich das gefühl das es für ihn nur eine pflicht ist um kohle zu machen.
I know that Alex and Alisa talk about their relatioships 3 years or more on the project and out of the project!
Regarding that point of view, yes I agree, but, it all depends on the “level of passion / love” if it actually exists between the two
Ich respektiere diesen Standpunkt, aber ich sehe, dass Krosh in solchen Situationen wirklich leidet. Ich weiß nicht, ob das wirklich der Fall sein wird.
Oh, I can’t be doing with it all. I say if you’re going to fight, take it elsewhere, have it out off-camera and come back when it’s all resolved. Spare us this petty, c___dish s__t.
I have spoken.
You pay for access for the cams to observe their lives, if they act petty and do c___dish s__t, well tough luck It’s petty, c___dish s__t you get to watch. Not all relationships run smoothly
weeeeeelll, I’m not currently paying, and crap like this actively discourages me from forking out moolah. So there’s that …
Sorry same here, but are you sure about that or is there a blip in the system
Definitely a blip. Or a bloop.
What kind of relationship is this?
I’m so sorry for Krosh. She is such a charming and personable person. Her smile and her charisma always amazed me. I don’t want to see her cry, she doesn’t deserve that. Cheer up dear Krosh, I wish you a lot of strength to overcome this crisis.
I love the beaming and smiling Krosh.
Toxic. But…girl persists in this bond, and this is not the situation as of today.
We know such relationships, the partner’s attitude is violent, but if a stranger said something bad about him, the girlfriend would kick his eyes out, defend him in every way.
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