Krosh & Simon

Sometimes it’s the participants themselves who choose to leave. Not saying that’s every case but I would hazard a guess it is here

I think from reading the thread that it was partly due to their financial predicament which I believe was similar to what Jenya Dada and friends experienced. If the chemistry is not right in the realm they won’t be able to attract the volume of viewers that generate their income stream. I also believe that Krosh wanted to take the realm in a certain direction while Simon wanted to take another route which led to their ultimate demise.

A good summary of a failed apartment.

You forgot the bad cam setup.

Thank you for pointing out my error :+1:

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We want to see Krosh and Dalia together again …
We miss the girls …

I wish there was a beautiful romantic love like Krosh and Daila’s.


You resurrected a year old thread just to talk about your nonsense again with your 100th fake account? There is something seriously wrong with you.