Krosh & Simon

Krosh fixed it.

To be honest…if I were Reynold I’d be staring at Simon too.

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The gorgeous girl that visited a while ago is back and took a shower :heart_eyes:


Oopsie, a little bit to late :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow what a arsehole he is, he is more interested in his phone. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Poor Krosh, three times she has tried to cuddle up to him and each time he has rejected her and pushed her away. What a tosser he needs to go.

Your hatred of Simon is weird she is as___p he can use his phone if he wants she uses her too people don’t want their partners in their face 24/7 leave the guy alone.

She mid compared to dalia

I got the same impression as well so her name is Delia :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

She is as___p now. I do not hate him, I just do not like him.

He enjoys masturbating himself.

yeah so does she? and i am sure you do seeing as your on this site so your point is?

Are you kidding me right now? Are you TRYING to MAKE people leave this forum community? Are you TRYING to MAKE people stop posting on this forum? The guy made an observation and commented on it. He doesn’t need to have a point. He’s allowed to say what he wants within the rules of this forum. Then, you try to ruin that experience with your “…what’s your point” crap. Leave the guy alone. He can post what he wants.
:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

Does anyone know if anyone in the house streams on social media or cam site?

He can post what he wants and so can i? Clearly him and the other guy was making fun of Simon the other guy has posted numerous post mocking Simon and the other guy was trying to make a funny joke mocking Simon because he likes masturbating while news flash so does every guy including everyone here so his a hypocrite. I’m sick of seeing people mock the Men on this site everyday someone will mock them in someway but the women are all perfect its pathetic why bother to watch people if your just going to mock them, it’s good enough that these people let us watch them 24/7 so how about showing some respect.

I didn’t see anyone making a mocking joke of Simon’s masturbation habits, and it wouldn’t have mattered if I had.

What I did see was you telling another user that his post must have a point AND that met with your approval, and that stepped over the line. He didn’t break any rules with his comment, but yours did.

Just as you can’t tell tenants and guests what they can and can’t do, you can’t tell another user what he can or can’t post. That’s up to VHTV to decide.

Well i asked him what point exactly he was trying to make since it was random and posted there and i didn’t see any other reason for it than for him to be mocking him since he put the laughing emoji after i am entitled to ask a question.

Sorry if I have upset you but I am just saying what I see, I have seen poor Krosh on here crying as Simon has treated her poorly numerous times and I think she is better off without him. Then last night she tried three times to get close to him and he pushed her away. I do not think I wrote anything that was hateful or hurtful it was just the truth. Also did you mean me when you said that “the other guy was making fun of Simon the other guy has posted numerous post mocking Simon” I think I have only made three comments on Simon and Krosh. It is not often I write on the forums, I read them but that is it, but last night felt I had to say something.

Okay that is fair enough i am sure i overreacted in the moment just because i see the male participants get s__t on all the time on here even if something is not there fault. I did not know he pushed her away so that was my bad i just saw a few comments in a few from you calling him out so i responded to it i do apologize and yes maybe if they’re not happy together they should go their own separate ways.

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If I had a hot woman like Krosh lying next to me I would not be pushing her away, then mastubating whilst she is a s___p. Anyway no worries.