KristyKrabs & Timotheo

Thank you :heart:

Ahahah, I will try to do it :upside_down_face:

:heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :kissing_heart: Simply wondewrful.

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Kristy you are offline now.


I know, thank you :heart:

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Hi Rejolda, I miss you too :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

In reference to Rejolda arriving in the bathroom at 5:18 p.m. She said: “hi guys, I miss you” :wink:

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I love the fact that you don’t! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Will be perhaps a hot evening? :roll_eyes:

If you miss her you can find her in a lot of videos on the internet. It’s an advantage we have over her. :wink:

Perhaps something new with her? :roll_eyes: That would be a pleasant surprise.


good luck Tim, it will be necessary to support the 2 girls who are so complicit :wink:
at the same time, we really want your place :rofl:

She suddenly seems to have verbal diarrhea all of a sudden :rofl:

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hi @KristyKrabs… any chance that you and Rejolda ehh… well. ehhh… you know? :blush:

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Can i have a first row seat please?

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You don’t have to be shy you know, i assume to mean for them to fuck each other or am i being too crude :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

ehmm… i’m always a but careful to express me like that… to a woman… :blush:

it also leaves it open for a wide variety of possibilities… :slight_smile:

Am sure they know what you mean, now we only need a positive outcome. See, i can be tactful if i really try :rofl:

Well, everything is sorted now i guess :rofl:

Well could be a bit more exciting.