The charming couple in concentration
Thank you, it’s so cute
Yes, it is always at any time and beautiful
This family is really special, Kristy even when she wants to relax alone, impossible, she always has company, he he he
With Timotheo working from home, if I was his boss I would be checking up on him a lot and I mean a lot via video chat, OH the lovely view you would get at times.
Paaaamela you got a lot of ‘splainin’ to do…
Zoiks! I’m surprised Bridget didn’t s__t herself! She was three inches away from the crash!
It was Kristy who accidently touched the plate causing it to slip off the sink. Bridget the dog did not even flinch.
Time to do some big investments
Kristy being a real spoilsport putting the wool away, OH how much I wanted to see Pamela going nuts with it
The perils of stacking! Ehh, no biggie. Who here hasn’t broken a dish or glass now and then? I don’t think I have a complete set of anything in my kitchen
At least it isn’t glass. that’s a good thing. [and oops, sorry Pamela ] I trod on a tiny shard of glass ovenware that chipped off in the dishwasher, glass be nasty.
Glad Bridget took it in her stride. my dog runs a mile if I even put down a knife too heavily. Mind you, I did drop a can of tuna on his head accidentally that one time.
Who says this apartment isn’t exciting? Kristy is like, “wtf?”, Tim is like “are u serious?” Bridget is like “da fuq?” and Pam is like “it wasn’t meeee! butletmecheckitout!”.
It’s these ooops times that make the Real Life moment for me.
Let us take a moment to appreciate Kristy’s incredible physique here! Those latissimus dorsi, those tr__ezius, those quads and hamstrings, and most important of all, that magnificent gluteus maximus!
Our poor girl is a very restless s___per. 0827 she is rudely woken up by the alarm. Pic is of her shooing Bridget out of the bedroom (but I actually focused on that superb ass)
Can anyone tell me the name of this book.