Always as hot as each other I love this apartment
Thank youuu
Very nice indeed! Kristy is one very lucky lady…but I think she may already know that!
Dear @KristyKrabs I have favour to ask you. Can you please sent us a photo of you dog and kitten. We have the names but not the photos. It for the wiki Participants & Significant Guests (Directory) and we thougth the pets should be in there too. It would be great if you do this for us. and
I suppose that makes Timotheo, an aeroplane!
The cat was curious!
Could that be why the cam is gone?
It’s for technical issues. We do not punish curious kitties
Bathroom cam out, I missed Bridget having a bath
Thank you very very much.
someone punished her?
Your welcome my friend
Lovely pictures, thank you for sharing them. You have captured the apparent characters of your pets perfectly.
No Viewer suggested we turned your bathroom camera offline cause of that gif, but it was just not working. You’d never punish such a cutie;)
Very beautiful