KristyKrabs & Timotheo

This is getting ridiculous! When are K&T returning? :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

The post before the previous one (so 2 above yours) answers your question, in theory. :slight_smile:


I do not get why people do not at least look in the unread posts for them before asking? The forum also has a search function people can use. Just wondering :upside_down_face:

Please donā€™t ā€˜shoot the messengerā€™. :hugs:

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Well yes, that is a fair point.

I HAVE read the previous posts! For Christ sake, I have an alert set up for this feed so I see everything. It just feels like itā€™s been two weeks already! Itā€™s absolutely ridiculous they should have to be down for so long, and with no explanation. Kristy and Tim are losing money and their fans are losing patience - like me! Nothing else is worth watching on VH.

No worries, Iā€™m pissed at VHTV, no more no less.

Yes, I did actually understand your meaning. :slight_smile:

VHTV will certainly have reasons why the apartments are still offline at the moment.

Yeah, but will their customers ever find out? Doubtful.

Yes and we definitely know why some of them are, at the moment. :cry:

Maybe the customers shouldnā€™t even know. Ever heard of data protection?

Tons of places closes constantly and no one knows why. And why should that be known?

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That makes zero sense.

Because we pay for it? Realms listed offline give reasons - left the project, ISP issues, relocation, etc. But there is nothing for K&T, not even on the offline list. Rather strange, donā€™t you think?

It will probably be internal stuff that doesnā€™t belong in the public domain.

If you donā€™t like it, you have to quit.

Okay, I understand that aspect. Still sucks.

I donā€™t see a need for all the attitudes over my being upset over K&T being off for so long. A little solidarity would be nice.