KristyKrabs & Timotheo

That is strange, indeed! Did something happen at Camille and Will’s before they disappeared then? Being removed from the list usually only happens when someone breaks a rule. And I can’t imagine Kristykrabs or Timotheo doing anything in that direction.

Rachel and Ross are still online, so it can’t just be that they have removed everything from one manager either.

I checked Camille & Will 30-45 min before it disappeared and then nothing special happened, so idk… Camille was not even at home, just Will & his girl.

Could it be connected to the police visit in realm86 ?

I missed something and the police showed up (couldn’t it be the same thing that happened with (Tessa & Elliot)…

Possible. No idea…

hope it’s nothing serious anyway as soon as you know anything let us know thanks @jabbath1987

Auch Auriel aus der Liste verschwunden. Langsam wird es unheimlich

All realms from that manager will have to leave for an indefinite time…

Kennst du den Grund

Official statement is that all those realms will have to leave for now to avoid possible problems. Guys from support do not know more too.

Ok danke. Klingt aber nicht gut …

What’s going on ?
I hope you’re doing well.
We miss you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you for the update Jabbath

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Guys…we are okey) Don’t worry) I don’t sure, that I can tell something here) But I think that very soon someone from support must tell you what happened)

How’s your day?)
Timo is still ill, Pam is s___ping on him now)
I have a lot of work and tired but like it))

We had the first snow two days ago!)


Thx - Take care :slight_smile:


Please look after yourselves and stay as safe as you can. I wish Timo better as soon as possible. Thinking of you both. :hugs:

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Thanks Kristy for info. Whatever happened. The main thing is that you are fine and you have no further trouble. :kissing_heart:


Speaking of snow…

It’s supposed to snow here on Sunday… :snowflake: :snowflake: :snowflake:


Here…is where?)

Stay safe … we love you

and hope for good recovery for Timo