
Of course not. I am sure she got a fine.

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And when they finally fixed all the cameras there will be … Landlord visit :joy::joy::joy:


after all these years of operation, can’t believe they’re still bothered by the camera setup. There are plenty of much smaller hidden HD cams that can be installed in corners, also making the residents feel much more comfortable without the presence of clumsy cams.


I hope! I would have kicked her out already.


Well they do not give a s__t about that. New cameras were promised more than two years ago. You can see yourself what happened to far… :see_no_evil:

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Ich denke mal dass der Gast es wollte ,


Ich find sie toll mal was anderes als die Standard Frauen hier , hoffe die Cams bleiben da wo sie bleiben soll :+1:

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Spongebob Squarepants GIF
:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Think About It GIF by Identity
I know exactly what u r trying to do from 1st day of any new realms… trolling and attacking from realms to realms really… :wink:grow up and let other enjoy real voyeur no need to turn every realms like each other… :smirk:

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Offline dass kann nicht lang gut gehen

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Just shows inept manager opening places aren’t the way to go :wink:

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You noticed, incidentally, that the Loggia camera has now been completely removed?
The Loggia is now shown in grey in the housing plan and the “camera 11” is not listed there also.

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Support said it will be back tomorrow. The loggia camera I mean.

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Then the plan needs to be changed again… :joy: :joy: :joy: :see_no_evil:

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Loggia Cam wäre jetzt nicht so wichtig finde ich

They go there quite regularly. So it’s important

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Jesus Christ, you people have nothing else to do or watch on a Saturday afternoon ???

Vielleicht zum Rauchen :smile: auch in der Küche gibt es ein Vorhang denke da ist auch ein kleiner Raum

Not this place for sure as it’s already offline again :joy::joy: