I like him. Sex good and look like decent guy
Especially has huge
i hope she does not puke on him cause it look like that
i think that why he has to keep awake before she literally throw up.
kristall just fell her fucked up kusha had to pick her up
i dig this couple they fucking funny
What’s funny about this. Just sad!!
believe me this is a lesson dont drink urself fuck up, just til u tipsy lol
A lot has happened in the past!
i give my hat off this man he know how to look after her
he must not worry about her breathing it happened with me as well fell like u dying
And some people do that too, unfortunately!
she must stay in fetal postion and keep her mouth open eventually she stop puking.
im telling u now alek she going to have a hangover tomorrow
I’m sorry but I don’t think this is a funny or laughing matter this is sad to watch it doesn’t matter if it’s a female and or male participate they could severely get hurt hope and praying she’s okay
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oh yes! she is back! sex in bedroom